Today's Working Mommy Wednesday question is such a tough one. I look forward to seeing how everyone else handles this situation...
What do you do about work when your child is sick? Whose responsibility is it to stay home when daycare is not available? Should Mom be the typical caregiver or should Dad step in?
I have to say now that my children are older this is not nearly the problem for us that it was when they were younger. Basically my answer is we both share the responsibility of caring for (picking up from school, taking to the doctor) a sick child. It usually just depends on what our work schedules look like at the time. If my work load is lighter then I usually prefer to be the one to take care of them. If I have a heavy work load and my husband can take the time then he does it. We usually just discuss it and figure out which will work best for everyone. Now that my children are older, unless they are very sick they can stay home alone and we just check on them as needed. Most of the juggling comes in when they go to school fine and call in the middle of the day sick and one of us needs to go and pick them up. We are blessed that we both have very flexible jobs that allow us to care for our children without regrets.
i'm sure it's a whole lot easier when they're older... they can wipe their own noses, right? ha! but moms are still awesome at taking care of sick kids. nothing beats a mom's hugs and kisses!
That is really great that you both have such flexibility in your jobs. Certainly makes life easier.
it is great to be able to work it out and make choices together =)
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