Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Non Scale Victories (NSVs)

Since I asked all of you, who are on a health & weight loss journey, to share your tips, encouragement, and experience with me I thought I would do the same for you.  My first tip is... Be sure to celebrate your Non Scale Victories (NSVs).  You will notice that I added a gadget in my sidebar for doing just that.  I invite you to do the same!  It may be something as simple as turning down that brownie, deciding to take a walk instead of watching tv, or just sticking to your plan for the day.  Having the discipline to do those small steps is what it takes to succeed.  It's a simple thing, but it's important to recognize that we succeed in other ways besides the number on the scale. If you decide to add something to your blog to show some of your Non Scale Victories, just leave me a comment, and I will be sure to come by and give you a pat on the back for your effort.  We all need as much encouragement as we can get. Oh, and if you need help figuring out how to add a gadget to your sidebar I'll be happy to try and walk you through it, just let me know!


Anonymous said...

I started aqua aerobics last week, my first exercise class ever, and I liked it! So I'm going back this week. That is a big victory for me!

Pennie said...

This is really great advice. I need to start doing this. I really need to get on the weight loss bandwagon. I appreciate your tips!

Ginny Marie said...

I love "Non-scale victories"! What a great idea! I really need to lose the winter weight I seemed to have put on.

Shannon K. said...

You're gonna build up quite the little community of people who want to lose weight. Can't beat that? Having buddies on the same journey.