Monday, February 22, 2010

Friend Makin Monday 02/22

This week's question for Friend Makin Monday is... 
What did you do this weekend? Confess it. 

I volunteered at our church to help our new secretary learn how to run the membership software.  While I was volunteering hubby was with our youngest "C" at a late Mardi Gra parade they put on for one of the local nursing homes.  They were originally supposed to do it the week before, but got snowed out.  That afternoon/evening we went to the day 1 of M's softball tournament.  The team did a great job and won both of their games on Friday.  It was really cold outside and we didn't get home until after 11PM.
M's tournament continued on Saturday, but we weren't able to be there because K & his band were scheduled to be part of a talent contest - Battle of the Bands.  We sent M with a fellow player and they finished up the tournament with 3 wins and 1 loss.  They came in 3rd place.  We spent the morning with K doing a run through of their performance.  When I say we I mostly mean my husband. I mean I was there, but I know nothing about musical instruments or sound equipment.  K and the band should be so thankful that his dad is gifted this area - I know I am! After the rehearsal we grabbed lunch and then spent the afternoon doing a little shopping.  I found a fantastic bargain on a new comforter set.  I will be making a post with pictures to show you soon. K & the guys did great in the contest.  They didn't win, but they had a great response from the audience and they handled themselves so well.  I am very proud of them.  It was a long day and we didn't make it home until around 12:30AM.  

Sunday is always church for our family.  I had the privilege of spending time with the little ones in the nursery.   I always miss being in the service, but I am glad to help others who have little ones.  I remember what it was like for us when our kids were that age.  The nursery was a life saver! After church and lunch and I grabbed a much needed nap.  Had an afternoon meeting at the church.  Last night was the typical Sunday evening round up trying to make sure everyone had clothes and everything they needed to return to school/work today.  
It was a very full and exhausting weekend.  A weekend full of memory making!  

Want to see what everyone else did this weekend? Hop on over to Amber's blog and visit the other blogs listed there!

1 comment:

Kerri O said...

Sounds like you had a great weekend. Memory making is a good thing!